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How to choose a basketball uniform

2022-07-21 12:54:00

How to choose a basketball uniform

1 .Lightweight and breathable

Playing basketball is a sport with a lot of sweat, especially in summer. If the clothing fabric does not absorb sweat and breathe in high temperature weather, it may be the rhythm of running to the infirmary. Some boys think that pure cotton fabric is enough. Although its sweat absorption effect is good, it has poor air permeability. After sweating, the 

clothes will be close to the skin, and it is not easy to volatilize. If you enter the air-conditioned room immediately, you will be prone to catch a cold.

Therefore, we should pay attention to the composition of the fabric when buying hands, and it is not recommended to buy those with too high cotton content. Whether it is outerwear or underwear, polypropylene materials with relatively good ventilation and moisture dissipation are recommended. In addition, pure polyester is more suitable for 

strenuous exercise than cotton + polyester fiber. Summer basketball uniforms will have a vented design, which is more breathable and cool.

2 .loose fit

As for the shape, no one has ever seen a basketball player wearing tight pants and tights. Of course, it must be light, otherwise it will not only hinder the movement, but also may cause unnecessary contusions or lead to poor blood circulation. Basketball requires higher flexibility of the upper limbs, so if the jersey of the top is too tight, it will affect the movement and affect the performance.