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Scrub caps

2022-12-31 09:31:36

Scrub caps have graduated from being functional to also being a personalized accessory both in the operating room and outside. Before the antiseptic focus of the 1940s, hats were not considered essential to surgery. From the 1940s through the 1950s, as a hygienic focus swept the industry, hats became standard wear to help protect patients from contaminants in hair. Full-face hats were even designed for men with beards. These hats have been and continue to be distributed by group purchasing organizations (GPOs) who supply hospitals with most equipment.

In the medical fashion 'revolution' of the seventies, more and more medical professionals began personalizing their scrubs by either sewing their own hats or buying premade hats made of colorful patterned fabric. Several styles were popular, including the 'bouffant' surgical cap, a utilitarian hairnet-like hat which typically comes in light blue, and the 'milkmaid', a bonnet-like wrap around hat.

Bouffant surgical caps are perhaps the most widely used scrub hats in hospitals, and their usage is not limited to only nurses and surgeons: hospital patients are required to wear a bouffant cap when having surgery of any kind.

In 2016, a controversy emerged in the US around the use of cloth or disposable surgical caps vs mandatory use of bouffant style surgical caps.This controversy ended in state mandates for the use of bouffant caps to comply with Joint Commission standards.