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Classification and use of protective work clothing

2023-12-29 08:58:43

Classification and use of protective work clothing




Protective clothing includes hats, clothing, pants, aprons, shoe covers, etc., which have the function of preventing or reducing the contamination of the body by thermal radiation, microwave radiation, and chemicals.




1Heat resistant clothing




Heat resistant clothing should have insulation, flame retardancy, and firmness, but it should also be breathable and comfortable to wear and take off; It can be divided into two types: non regulating and air regulating.




1. Non adjustable heat resistant clothing




(1) Flame retardant and heat resistant clothing: Made of cotton fabric treated with flame retardants, it not only maintains the comfort, durability, and washing resistance of natural cotton fabric, but also does not accumulate static electricity. After direct contact with flames or hot objects, it can delay the spread and carbonize the clothing to form an isolation layer. It not only has insulation function, but also does not cause secondary disasters due to clothing burning or dark burning. It is suitable for use with open flames Wear when emitting sparks or working near molten metal, as well as when working in places with flammable substances and a risk of ignition.




(2) Aluminum foil thermal suit: It can reflect most of the heat radiation and provide insulation, but the disadvantage is poor breathability. A curtain vest made of small bamboo segments or reeds can be worn inside a heat resistant suit to facilitate ventilation and enhance sweat evaporation.




(3) White canvas heat resistant suit: economical and durable, but its heat radiation resistance is far inferior to the previous two.




2. Air conditioning heat resistant clothing: can be divided into two types: ventilated clothing and refrigerated clothing.




(1) Ventilated suit




Press the cooling air into the heat-resistant suit using an air compressor, absorb heat, and then discharge it through the exhaust valve. Ventilation suits require long air ducts and are only suitable for fixed operations. There is also a ventilation suit equipped with a micro fan, which directly delivers air to the interlayer of the clothing, increasing its breathability and providing insulation.




(2) Refrigeration suit




It can also be divided into liquid refrigeration suits, dry ice cooling suits, and frozen suits. The basic principle is the same, but the difference is that the anti heat suit contains bags or containers of low-temperature non-toxic salt solution, dry ice, and ice cubes respectively. The most practical one is a frozen suit containing an ice bag.




2Clothing for preventing chemical pollutants




There are generally two types:




1. Made of polymer synthetic fibers and natural fabrics coated with low permeability or impermeability to the chemicals being protected, and treated with some auxiliary agent or waterproof coating to improve their resistance to penetration, such as protective clothing for pesticide spraying personnel.




2. Made of fabrics such as polypropylene, polyester, or chlorinated polyester to prevent acid and alkali. For these protective clothing, the country has certain standards for breathability, moisture permeability, oil and water resistance, acid and alkali resistance, and protection against specific toxic substances.




3Microwave shielding suit




There are generally two types:




1. Metal wire cloth microwave shielding suit: It is made of twisted tussah copper wire and h